
Monday, November 29, 2010

Battle of The Oscar Stars: Best Picture 1956

Without further ado the most anticipated award of the night presented by your hosts Daniel Desario and Princess Mia (side tangent: this is real, even though it sounds crazy. I enjoy both of them and I think I'm okay with it.)

The award for the worst first ten minutes of an Oscar winning movie, goes to...Around The World In 80 Days! Congratulations, it is well deserved!

Now, this opinion probably comes from the decision to watch this movie whilst struggling through a post holiday fever and raging head ache. No, I think it might just actually be bad and incredibly weird.

From the lead in to the actual movie with an odd introduction about the author of the novel (Jules Verne) to something about rockets (I wasn't really listening during this part) and then, bam!, without any transition, we are on the streets of London. Is the movie starting? Well, I guess.

At first I was thrilled to see Around The World In 80 Days. I thought; how can this possibly fail in excitement value? Faced with a wealthy gentleman's bet, the characters travel around the ENTIRE world in a hot air balloon, which has always been something I wanted to do. Actually, just ride in one for a little bit, but no grand scale adventure.

Strike One: that incessant opening.

Strike Two: I'm sure as a book the story is interesting, but as a movie it doesn't work. With the one exception being the soaring scenery of their travels.

Strike Three: The two main characters are only up in that hot hair balloon for about ten minutes! Dreams squashed.

Since this is all about being honest, I'm not going to lie, I definitely fell asleep during this one. We can blame the sickness or I can point fingers at the movie for not producing interesting enough entertainment for the ill and laid up. Guess what though? I probably passed out for 30 minutes, and all I missed was a freaking bull fight! No joke.

As I crank through more of these movies, I am beginning to do one of my favorite things; making nerdy lists.

This one will most definitely be on the list; "This was an event to see in a classy theater when it was originally released, but has now buckled under poor story telling and can't hold up in ones own living room". Keeping it company; The Greatest Show On Earth.

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